The annual Video Redefined study takes a step back from our typical focus on consumption of TV and movie content, and tracks use of the ever-expanding array of other types of video content at consumers’ disposal.
Past waves of the study have tracked the growing popularity of YouTube influencers, platforms like TikTok, and content categories like podcasts, livestreaming, and mobile videogames. We’ve looked at how consumption of non-TV content varies by consumer segment, we’ve identified the most common use-cases, and we’ve tracked consumers’ reaction to advertising on non-TV video platforms. And of course, one of the main goals of the study has been to measure the impact that consumption of this content is having on traditional TV viewing.
This year’s wave of the study will cover all of the above, but it will also measure adoption of a brand-new tool in the streaming TV arsenal: the just-launched ad-supported tier of Netflix. The timing of the new tier’s introduction and of this wave of the study will allow us to take a deep look at early adopters of the new tier, including the consumer segmetns most likely to have signed up, the number of Netflix ad-free subs who have made the switch (or intend to make the switch) to ad-supported, the number of brand new Netflix subscribers lured by the lower priced plan, and the extent to which the new plan reduces the number of subscribers who churn in and out of Netflix as TV shows come and go.
In the end, the study will help our TV industry and advertising clients better understand the competitive challenges posed by non-TV content, how those challenges are evolving as new platforms emerge and gain popularity, and what strategies will be most effective in addressing the competitive threat. At the same time, the study will also point to opportunities for TV firms to join the non-TV fray, by developing their own offerings (e.g., Netflix’s foray into gaming) that stretch beyond their traditional content categories.
Source: Interviews with 1,900 US TV viewers with broadband age 13-74.